Aikatsu Stars! Wikia

Hello, everyone, Yume is here!! Long time no see! I haven’t posted a blog in a long time!

Let get to the topic. I knew many people that watch both Aikatsu Star and PriPara. Yesterday when I was watching the latest ep. of PriPara I come up with this idea. I felt that there is a connection between the character in AikStar and Pripara. For example Lala and Yume. I feel that they are similar maybe because they are both cute idol and the main character? So, what you guys need to do is ‘take one character from Pripara and one from AikStar and make a connection between them and what makes you think they are similar.’

So….  That it.. Have Fun!!

--Yumesuzuki (talk) 16:24, October 15, 2017 (UTC)
